Kyoto Bicycle Rental
『Kyoto Miyabiya』
5 minutes From Kyoto Station

booking call


To use these coupons

  1. These coupon are only for people that told us to use the coupon.
  2. For the online booking, enter the word "coupon" and coupon No. in Remarks of the booking form to use the coupon.
  3. For phone booking, tell the coupon No. to use the coupon when you take a booking.
  4. A coupon cannot be combined with any other coupon.
  5. All coupon can be used when you rent a bike during the coupon coverage period. Coupons cannot be used out of the period.

Coupons on this month

24 hours rental on a single day price!

Coupon period:

You can use City Bicycles and E-bike A2, B1, B2 24 hours on a single day price by this coupon. (Rental start time is only opening hours:8:30~18:30.)

Coupon No.:0401

  • *There are a limited number of bikes fot this coupon.
  • *E-bike A1 is not on this coupon.

Coupons on next month

Golden Week
Kids bike price will be reduced by half.

Coupon period:

During 29/Apr~10/May, it's holidays for children and called Golden Week in Japan. So we reduces Kids bike price by half during Gorlden Week period. You can rent a kids bike 500yen by this coupon.

Coupon No.:0501

  • *We cannot accept only Kids bike rental.
  • *There are a limited number of Kids bike. We might accept kids bike rental depends on the children height.
  • *This coupon can be combined with A coupon for with child seat.

Golden Week
Price of the bikes with Child seat will be reduced.

Coupon period:

During 29/Apr~10/May, it's holidays for children and called Golden Week in Japan. So With child front seat (B) price will have been from 1,300 yen to 1,000 yen , E-bike with child seat price will have been from 2,300 yen to 1,800yen by this coupon during Gorlden Week period.

Coupon No.:0502

  • *There are limited number of child seat.
  • *We might accept With child seat bike rental depends on the children height or weight.
  • *This coupon can be combined with A coupon for kids bike.
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